Saturday, Christmas morning, everybody gathered here at 8am to open gifts & have Christmas brunch--egg & sausage casserole, oj, coffee, blueberries, & tea rings.
Opening gifts took a while, especially with Wyatt & Three Three entertaining us simultaneously:) Skye loved her aqua KitchenAid mixer, Keith was excited about his gas blower, Cameron really liked his Rock Band Keyboard, Kelley seemed glad to see her king comforter, & I loved my jewelry & new Kindle cover:)! Blessings galore:)
By noon, S&K & Three Three had to leave to celebrate at K's mom & dad's. Cameron stayed on most of the afternoon.
Snow was forecast for the afternoon/evening so we were all on snow watch:) I prayed for enough snow I wouldn't have to work Sunday:) And, low & behold, the Lord answered that prayer! By the following morning we had 7 inches of the most glorious fluffy white stuff!! A first for NC on Christmas!
My extra special Christmas treat...a Sunday to sleep in, rest, & pack for our trip to Pa. A day for our part of the world to be calm & quiet since most activities in the area were cancelled--no church, no traffic, just a peaceful beautiful snow day in N.C. A day to look forward to our time the following week with the Mc Clan, a whole week away from regular routine, a week to be with family.
So sweet:)