


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Do We Have Joy In This Life?

I know two women, devout women of faith, strong & firm in their convictions, who love the LORD.
One is an acquaintance that I admire, one is a dear friend.
They are small in statue but are made of "steel"--no wavering here in what they believe. And each one has a beauty about her.
One is from the North, the other from the South.
They are very intelligent. One is an artist, the other, skilled in the medical field.
Both their homes are beautifully decorated and furnished, & are welcoming to all guests.
They know the WORD of GOD, can lead a Bible study or lecture a women's group, both equally at ease in either scenaro.

But, like many of us, they have at least one thing lacking in their lives.
And the sad thing for these "precious daughters of the Most High" is that they lack JOY in their lives.
Like countless women, they have experienced deep grief, endured sadness, and suffered great disappointments, and they have allowed these dark times to rob them of living in the here and now, victoriously.
They find it hard to be joyful.

Believe me, I have enough faults that I can't list them on this blog in a week's time (maybe more), but I hope & pray I have learned in 50 years plus that we only have one shot at this life on Earth, and even with great sorrows here, we need to have joy. Not necessarily to be smiling or laughing all day long, but to revel in our blessings, in our friends, and in our family (at least keep trying with family!).

If we learn some degree of contentment in the LORD that gives us joy, I think it is one of our greatest lessons here.
I pray these dear ones will find that contentment.
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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Crazy Time At Our House/Exciting Times For Skye

Here it is the last of April, 2008, and I am making lists in my head constantly; when I wake up, when I go to sleep, when I'm walking, when I'm in the shower, etc.
Skye is finishing Wake Tech with an Associates Degree in May. She needs to be at Ridge Haven Camp by May 23rd to begin life as a summer counselor until August 9th. After a quick break she'll need to report to Appalachian State in Boone August 22nd for her Junior year.

Here are some of the things cluttering my mind, and, as you can see, "Skye" is the primary theme:
1. Skye's exams the first week in May
2. Skye has a dentist appt. May 9th
3. Skye & I have a hair appt. May 3rd at 2pm
4. Skye needs to rotate tires
5. Skye needs to change bank account
6. Skye needs to have medical forms filled out and possibly a physical
7. Skye needs to change her orientation time at Appalachian
8. Skye needs to send out letters asking for financial support as a church camp counselor
9. Hopefully we will hear soon whether Skye will have a dorm this fall (and that could open up a new list!)
10.I have a trip to Williamsburg with 3 friends this coming weekend, hurray!
11.Cameron has a Urologist appt. this coming Wednesday
12.Skye needs to cancel her Weight Watcher membership
13.Kelley is graduating from paralegal school May 14th
14.Kelley & Seth have bought their first house and hope to move May 1st if all goes well
15.I need to make an appt. for Wyatt's bath/nails clipped
16.Send Mother's Day cards/flowers
17.First Mother's Day without my mama

And I'll stop there.
I must say my brain is on overload. I forgot at least two important appointments last week:(
Covering for my manager while she was away on vacation in Cal. didn't help matters:(
I hope this week I will be on my toes!

Friday, April 18, 2008

A Journey On a Warm April Morning

This morning in the warm sunshine Wyatt, my Basset buddy, and I walked from Shepherd's Vineyard to the old train depot in downtown Apex and back. It was perfect weather to stroll and run and leap a little and Wyatt was so excited! The traffic wasn't too busy either, which was a blessing. We stopped at the depot for a while to get a drink of water and share a granola bar. I am guessing the trip was about 4 miles, and Wyatt was a trooper, even with his short legs:)

Monday, April 14, 2008

Amazing Grace

Just watched the movie "Amazing Grace",
the story of the abolitionist William Wilberforce of England.
Wilberforce changed the world when called by GOD
to change an entire country's stand on slavery.
An amazing story beautifully done!
I wish I could have known him.

What are we called to do for others where GOD has placed us?

Friday, April 11, 2008

Lake Pine Papa Swan

Proud Papa Swan swimming near Mama Swan's nest:)
Isn't he majestic?
Caught him patroling his section of the lake early this morning.
Also saw the resident Blue Heron catching his breakfast, a tasty fish.
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Sunday, April 06, 2008

The Pretty West Girls:)

 Our McFarland clan was invited to our dear daughter in law's mom & dad's for an Easter celebration & 30th Birthday celebration for Kelley on March 23rd in Raleigh. What a lovely time with precious folks:) This is a photo of, from left to right, Shelly ( Kelley's brother John's wife), Betsy, (Kelley's mom), and Kelley:) A pretty trio, I'd say!! I bet Seth would agree:)
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More Hallmark Buds


Lauri, Brenda C., and Stephanie pause for a minute on a busy Saturday morning at Beaver Creek:)
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Wednesday, April 02, 2008

My mama's favorite Spring flowers

"Trailing Arbutus flower"

"Arbutus plants are a warm weather loving species that thrives in lush, fertile climates. Most often, one can find arbutus plants in the Mediterranean and in warmer areas of North America. Because arbutus plants have their roots in warm weather, they don’t grow well in harsh climates.
In some places, arbutus plants are mistaken for strawberry plants. Because the fruit on the arbutus plant looks a lot like the popular American strawberry, lots of folks mistake the two. These flowers are bell shaped and they are orange colored berries."

My family has a pine covered hill on our home place in the Sandhills of central NC that my mama named "Arbutus Hill". Every spring one of the earliest flowers to bloom was the fragrant arbutus. Mama would go to the hill in search of the tiny flower hidden among the pine straw & return home with her treasure to place in a jelly glass that would sit on the kitchen window sill & fill the house with it's glorious perfume:)

She also loved the beauty of violets, although they couldn't rival the arbutus in fragrance. They grow wild in the country so we always had hundreds flowering in our yard during March & April.
I noticed today along our Shepherd's Vineyard green-way small open areas carpeted with the purple beauties.
Mama would gather a bouquet of the delicate violet blossoms & find another perfect-sized jelly glass in order to savor the little flowers inside as well as outside:)

Oh so simple, oh so small, the joys of life:)