


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Memories of a NC Fire

Years ago, eons ago, the Sandhills farming community of Roseland, where I grew up, had a devastating fire. It was in April of 1963, I believe, and my baby brother was tiny enough to be in diapers. The reason I remember that is because we left our house so quickly we didn't even grab extra diapers:( Of course I was twelve then and wouldn't have been thinking too clearly!

And my mama was away, had been to Raleigh with my Grandma Blue, for a recognition dinner in honor of women nominated as N. C. Mother of the Year, of which my Grandma was one--now that was pretty neat:) And my daddy was working second shift at the textile mill in Aberdeen.

We had an older couple sitting with us, the Throwers, who panicked when they heard about the fire, so they packed us into their car and figured they'd "skedaddle" to their house to save what they could.

Amazingly my daddy appeared before the Throwers pulled out of the driveway and he began throwing our bikes and whatever else he could think of, or reach, into the newly plowed field beside the house. (The mill had let folks go home to save what they could) He decided to stay with our house and hose it down until the danger had passed.

So off we went, stopping at the Throwers, heading from one neighbor's house to another, till we found a neighbor's home where folks were congregating and figuring out what to do--my friend Kay's house, about 8 miles away, in Narrow Ridge.

As the evening wore on, my mama was experiencing great distress trying to make her way home. There were roadblocks set up to keep everyone out of harm's way. She had a dickens of a time getting through, especially since the smoke was pretty bad, but "nobody can stop a mama when she's looking for her family"! Daddy must have told her we set off with the Throwers, but where did we go?! She had no idea. I guess she drove and asked around, eventually figuring it out:) Whew!

By nightfall we heard on TV that a chainsaw spark had ignited the fire and it had spread over acres and acres of dry land. I was intrigued that we were watching our community on TV getting updates about us and our area!

No one lost their life, and few buildings were burned due to folks protecting their barns, outbuildings and homes, by keeping them doused with water, but it was a scary time. I remember going back to our house late that night seeing tiny sparks, like candles, all through the woods. Our dear minister was standing in the driveway with my daddy. What a sight:)
Soot stayed in our window sills for years....

The saddest part to me was that Roseland never looked the same till a few years ago....40+ years later:(

And for my other fire story, another time......

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A blessed day!

Did I hear the patter of raindrops today?
The mercy of rain falling:)
People dancing & twirling in the dusty, dry streets.
Water swishing, sloshing around, washing the pavement, soaking into the cracked ground.
Precious, Heaven-sent, rain giving a drink to the lakes & streams.
Pouring over all things.
Do we appreciate heavy rain clouds rolling in & camping above us?
Without a doubt!
We are a needy people facing water rationing!

We are a people that think we are self-sufficient.
But God reminds us now and then that He alone is Sovereign.
We need His mercy in all things.
And only He sends the glorious rain.
And, in His time.

I savor it. And it blesses my heart, this peaceful rain.

Friday, October 19, 2007

NC Fair October 18th, 2007 Report

No air, few fans.
Short rides.
Scary short rides:(
Had to have help off a ride or two:( Not too graceful, but fun riding with Skye:)!
Much is the same as every year, especially the Village of Yesteryear--need some new crafts/crafters:(
Disagreed with the judges about most of the artwork ribbon awards (who are the judges?!), but impressed with the entries:)
Good Greek food:)
More food booths than ever!
Chickens were as feisty & proud as ever:)
Pretty cows:)
Neat pottery, especially Don Hudson's pieces glazed in a pumpkin yellow--wow:)
Good people-watching.
Strange people to watch:)!
All in all, an experience:)

Thank goodness for home & air conditioning!!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Fair

Tomorrow Keith and I plan to go to the NC State Fair.
I love it!
Usually the weather is cooler, but not this record setting dry warm year--ugh:( Still, I'm ready for some light and breezy, carefree, time seeing the sights at the Raleigh Fairgrounds.
It's a festive place, noisy with people, laughter, rides, games, more people, and eating.

I especially enjoy the animals and my favorite exhibit is the Poultry building. Lots of crowing and prancing about. Truly a strutting kind of atmosphere:) The turkeys are so homely I feel sorry for them, but there are some handsome roosters trying to impress by a "cock a doodle do", and many pretty hens preening.

Another exhibit I love is the circular Village of Yesteryear, where various artisans display and sell their wares, often working at their craft as people pass by. All are inspiring to me.

My third favorite place is the Kerr Scott building where artwork is shown, from elementary school to professionals.....amazingly all situated in the same area. Whoa, what a variety of photos and paintings! A "feast for the eyes", as well as "fodder for critiquing"---I just have to voice my opinions:)

I will update you on how it goes...
I'm yearning for a 'footloose' kind of day, a happy kind of atmosphere, soaking in the festivities, here in mid October.
(FYI did you know that cotton candy is only 3 Weight Watcher points--not bad!)

Afraid the dust may be plentiful, but not enough to dampen the Fair crowd spirit!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


As I sat beside my mama over the last ten days, I searched for a poem or a Bible verse for her funeral service.
Towards the end, as I was reading to her, one poem really stood out to me that I thought would be perfect for Mama's service.

And, I say this with much fear and trembling, now and then I felt like it was for me too. But I rejected that because, really, what a selfish thought.

Then the notion that it was for me would return....and finally I realized it was a 'God whisper' telling me how much He loves me. Whoa, that's a powerful, mind-boggling moment! A tearful, knee-melting, awesome, moment! A revelation that He, in the midst of my saying goodbye to my mama, the GREAT I AM, is nudging me to let me know He cares for me, weeps with me, that He lavishes me with the deepest tenderness there can be.....
If we only listen.

And how appropriate when my greatest Earthly supporter and encourager was preparing to leave.....

Oh, how sweet.

Saturday, October 06, 2007


Today was the joyous Heavenly Homecoming of my mama, Flora Catherene Blue Robeson.
I shall miss her beyond measure.

I Shall Not Pass This Way Again

I shall not pass this way again-
Although it bordered be with flowers-
Although I rest in fragrant bowers,
And hear the singing
Of song birds winging
To highest heaven their gladsome flight;
Though moons are full and stars are bright,
And winds and waves are softly sighing,
While leafy trees make low replying;
Though voices clear in joyous strain
Repeat a jubilant refrain;
Though rising suns their radiance throw
On summer's green and winter's snow,
In such rare splendor that my heart
Would ache from scenes like these to part;
Though beauties heighten,
And life-lights brighten,
And joys proceed from every pain,-
I shall not pass this way again-

Then let me pluck the flowers that blow,
and let me listen as I go
To music rare
That fills the air:
And let hereafter
Songs and laughter
Fill every pause along the way;
And to my spirit let me say:
"O soul, be happy; soon 'tis trod,
The path made thus for thee by God.
Be happy thou, and bless His Name
By whom such marvelous beauty came."
And let no chance by me be lost
To kindness show at any cost.
I shall not pass this way again;

Then let me now relieve some pain,
Remove some barrier from the road,
Or brighten some one's heavy load;
A helping hand to this one lend,
Then turn some other to befriend.

O God, forgive
That now I live
To bless the weary ones that yearn
For help and comfort every day,-
For there be such along the way.
O God, forgive that I have seen
The beauty only, have not been
Awake to sorrow such as this;
That I have drunk the cup of bliss
Remembering not that those there be
Who drinks the dregs of misery.

I love the beauty of the scene,
Would roam again o'er fields so green;
But since I may not, let me spend
My strength for others to the end,-
For those who tread on rock and stone,
and bear their burdens all alone,
Who loiter not in leafy bowers,
Nor hear the birds nor pluck the flowers.
A larger kindness give to me,
A deeper love and sympathy;
Then, O, one day
May someone say-
Remembering a lessened pain-
"Would she could pass this way again."

Eva Rose York

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Catherene Blue Robeson

Since last Thursday I've been sharing a vigil beside my mama here at Moore Regional Hospital as her Earthly body is shed and she is re-born in Heaven. A blood clot has fell her after all else has not. (My 2 brothers and my sister and I take turns spending the night and sitting with her) She is a strong woman of faith and her heart is strong. Last Friday morning til Sunday she labored hard to breathe, but has settled into an overall peaceful sleep since.

As a Stephen Minister it is such a blessing to be the recepiant of many kindnesses and much tender care. Family has slipped in and out to say goodbye, neighbors of my sister and brother drop in to express their concern, sweet phone calls/messages from my friends lighten my day, nurses go beyond the call of duty, all goodness that is precious and sweet.

Sometimes I find I need a break from caring visitors, so the Lord provides that as well. (I tend to get cranky from tiredness, the waiting, and too much going on that might agitate Mama)

I confess I have wanted the Lord to take her home quickly, have prayed that prayer more than once lately, am quite convicted in the last day or two that His timing is perfect and His plan is the best plan. So, I'm trying to wait on Him to comfort Mama and to work out His plan for her.

Before closing I must say a few thing about my mama. She has been such an amazing woman and a powerful influence on all of us children. She has been a stalwart believer in God, family, education, and owning/being a good steward of land. She has loved poetry and has been impressive in her ability to recite poetry even in the dark night of Alzheimer's. She loved to read, to write, to quilt, to sew, to garden, to look after her hens when she had chickens, loved her cats, loved to sit with her mama and 5 brothers and discuss who was kin to who, and what were they doing, etc.

She dreamed of college but could not afford it so urged me to get my degree. Her desire was to go to art school but wasn't able to do that, therefore she instilled in me a love for art. She became a beautician, then later worked in the Aberdeen Post Office. She taught Sunday School and was excellent at it. She was president of the church women's group numerous times and enjoyed doing that.
One of her great loves was her home church, Cypress, and always looked forward to Homecomings, the Harvest Sales, and reunions there. She will be buried in the Cypress graveyard besides my daddy and near most of her beloved family, but she will not dwell there, and neither does my daddy, praise God. They dwell in Paradise, where she will join them:)

"Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping into the future."