


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Growing Old Gracefully...

A new year.
It brings thoughts of promise;
new beginnings,
new dreams,
old dreams fulfilled,
more time with precious friends,
less time complaining,
eating well,
walking more,
reading the Bible more,
reading more,
smiling more,
hugging more,
treasuring family times,
encouraging others,
being kind,
loving the unlovable,
comforting those in need,
being more compassionate,
reaching out to others,
resting peacefully,
being still,
lavishing loved ones with love,
savoring a good cup of coffee,
relishing the moment,
looking up,
thinking before speaking,
laughing at myself,
traveling more,
being thankful,
saying thank you,
praying without ceasing,
praising the Lord,
allowing myself to be inspired anew,
maybe buying a pair of red cowgirl boots:)

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Christmas in Photos

Saturday, Christmas morning, everybody gathered here at 8am to open gifts & have Christmas brunch--egg & sausage casserole, oj, coffee, blueberries, & tea rings.

Opening gifts took a while, especially with Wyatt & Three Three entertaining us simultaneously:) Skye loved her aqua KitchenAid mixer, Keith was excited about his gas blower, Cameron really liked his Rock Band Keyboard, Kelley seemed glad to see her king comforter, & I loved my jewelry & new Kindle cover:)! Blessings galore:)

By noon, S&K & Three Three had to leave to celebrate at K's mom & dad's. Cameron stayed on most of the afternoon.

Snow was forecast for the afternoon/evening so we were all on snow watch:) I prayed for enough snow I wouldn't have to work Sunday:) And, low & behold, the Lord answered that prayer! By the following morning we had 7 inches of the most glorious fluffy white stuff!! A first for NC on Christmas!

My extra special Christmas treat...a Sunday to sleep in, rest, & pack for our trip to Pa. A day for our part of the world to be calm & quiet since most activities in the area were cancelled--no church, no traffic, just a peaceful beautiful snow day in N.C. A day to look forward to our time the following week with the Mc Clan, a whole week away from regular routine, a week to be with family.
So sweet:)