


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter by Elizabeth Elliot

When the chief priests, temple officers, and elders came
to the Garden of Gethsemane
to arrest
they succeeded
only because a
sovereign God
permitted them to succeed.
Jesus pointed out that He was teaching daily in the Temple, yet
they never laid a finger on Him then.
Now they were after Him with swords and staves.
"But this is your hour, and the power of darkness is yours" (Lk 22:53 JBP).
Who gave them that hour?
Who allowed them the power to capture Him?
It was God,
without whose leave not even a
sparrow can fall to the ground.
God is omnipotent,
never slumbering,
righteous, and
forever in control.
He was not taken by
All was working then, as it is always working, into a pattern for good.

Our own difficulties often appear to be
Our tragedies look wildly
They are not.
They are subject.
Limits are set.
God is quietly at work,
standing in the shadows,
ceaselessly watching over
His children.

"The light shines on in the dark, and the darkness has never mastered it" (Jn l:5 NEB).
Elisabeth Elliot, 1926 –

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I'm Still Here

Dear blog,

This Winter & Spring I've been a bit blue. I've decided maybe I'm dealing with empty nest syndrome...
Skye comes home less. She stays fewer days. This isn't her primary location anymore. Her important stuff is located in Boone. A good thing for her, making her way in the world. An adjustment for me.

I guess most of my identity is wrapped up in my children. I've been a mom for 37 years. A long time. And someone was right under my wing until 2009.

So, what am I doing? What is my identity?

I am blessed to have long time friends that still take time to have lunch with me about once a week:)
I work part time at Hallmark & love my co-workers.
I volunteer for a mercy ministry at church.
Love my Bible Study sisters--we meet weekly:)
Like checking out Facebook & my emails & watching TV (especially March Madness & UNC basketball).
Love watching Peace softball games, hanging out with dear church friends (April-June)
Love reading my Kindle!!
Enjoy walking.
Love my Wyatt:)
Love doing a painting project or bike or have lunch with my family.
Love that Cameron & Seth & Kelley live CLOSE:)
Love to travel & visit extended family:)
Love my hubby--who doesn't care that I don't like to cook anymore:)

It's cathartic to lists all those blessings:)

My health is good, even though I need to be more diligent with my diet.
Lord willing, I'll overcome this dry time, in time:)
Hopefully journaling will return.
Don't give up on me blog!