


Monday, July 31, 2006

A 'Chili' night

A neat surprise at Chili's tonight--ran into Cameron & Holly:) Great fun to run into my kids out and about anytime:)
Us girls had a grand time chilling at Chili's:) We stayed a while after sharing Molten Chocolate Cake and Cheesecake to watch some of Angela's many Guatemula photos:)

A 'Chili' night

Tonight the Bevettes, my dear Bible study friends, are meeting for dinner at Chili's. What a treat, one of my favorite places to eat since I love Mexican food:) The atmosphere is relaxing (unless you're in the bar) and the food is great. We are celebrating Angela's return from Guatemula:) Nothing like having a meal with good friends! It's a cool way to end a long hot month--a night out at Chili's:)

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Such a delimma!

I have a dear friend who is traveling the road of divorce. Right now she is side-lined 'in the pit of despair'. Nothing has gone right for her during her courtdates or mediations over this long drawn out ugly affair (over a year) in spite of hours and weeks and months of preparation on her part. After hiring two seemingly inept lawyers (she was at their mercy), she is paralyzed with fear and is in a panic of losing everything:(
She is exhausted and has run out of steam. She's completely depleted:( A strong, bright woman who has a good career and is a beauty inside and out---a woman of faith who is wrestling with this nightmare and at the moment is flattened; cannot move, cannot eat, cannot think!

The father of her child is abusive with words from his lawyer and she must be civil to him since he is the father of her precious daughter (as our friend Lou said), and she is a Christian who shouldn't be vindictive....right?

What comes through is we have a war with injustice in this fallen world. I HATE injustice, but it isn't promised to us here on this earth, is it? God says He is Justice---but that's hard to wrap our minds around when you want to beat up someone for righteousness' sake! It's righteous anger, isn't it...??

O Lord, give my friend the sweet comfort of friends & family enfolding her to let her know she is never alone, that You hold her in Your Hand & care for her as no other does, that You know injustice!
Help me remember that too!!!
Because no matter how old we get, the world can make us feel like abandoned little kids:(

Saturday, July 29, 2006


Saturday, July 29th, 2006:
I wonder if blogging will help me journal, something I've started and stopped a number of times over my 50+ years:( My mama, Catherene, was a good writer and, after coming down with Alzheimer's in the last 10 years, has left some of her recollections and thoughts behind. A precious gift for me & for my sister & brothers. We even read them to her time and again, and she laughs.

Keith & I spent the day taking my mama to a peach orchard where she and my daddy used to go numerous times every summer to get peaches. Peaches to make peach cobbler, peach pie, peach ice cream--yum:) Today was a typical hot, Sandhills July day & I couldn't get the idea of mouth-watering peaches out of my mind! We left Apex, traveled to Pinehurst, picked up Mama and headed to Derby with the help of a map. We found the familiar 'stand' pretty easily:) A pleasant surprise; they have added a small ice cream shop inside the old orchard packhouse. So we lingered for 'peach' ice cream around a plastic table and visited a spell (a Mama word). Mama was concerned that Bill (my daddy, long gone to Glory) needed to come get some peaches too!!
I bought a peck of the delicious smelling fruit on our way out, along with a smaller bag to leave at Carolina House of Pinehurst (where Mama now lives), plus a couple of deep red tomatoes. A nice day, all in all:) Good smells, good memories, good peaches!!