Books I am reading presently:
Am reading Max Lucado's "He Did This Just For You"
Brother Lawrence's "The Practice Of The Presence Of God"
Nicholas Evans' "The Divide"
Bono's 2006 Presidental Prayer Breakfast Speech "On The Move"
John Eldridge's "Waking The Dead"
Katharine Parrish's "Ready Or Not"
Todd Wyrick's "The Relationship"
Books I have on my nightstand to read & books I want to read:
Kenneth Mottram's "Caring For Those In Crisis"
"The Wounded Healer" by Henri Nouwen
"A Lifting Up for the Downcast" by William Bridge
Bob Woodruff's book "In An Instant"
Previously finished Kim Edward's book "The Memory Keeper's Daughter"--such a delightful writer, along with Nicholas Evans. Also read over the holiday's Cesar Millan's "Cesar's Way", which has trained me to help Wyatt be a better behaved puppy. And to wrap up, FINALLY picked up C.S. Lewis' "The Screwtape Letters" recently; so simply written; cuts to the bone.
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