My Bible study "sisters" tend to have a number of things in common, which is neat since we do have an age span of 10-almost 20 years.
All of us are moms.
Some of us are single.
Most of us have at least one college age student.
And 2 of our group have daughters that are now living with The Boyfriend.
Which leads to my pondering....
Do our Christian kids understand purity or holiness? Do they believe it's important to God?
(Us adults don't grasp it all either, but for this blog, it's about the young adult kids)
Now I know that living together has been the trend for a number years for young (or any age) people who "aren't ready to make a commitment". And throughout the last 30-40 years the idea of abstaining from sex before marriage has taken a massive beating, even in the most conservative of families. Doing a "trial run" is the thing to do to see if you're "compatible", and no one bats an eye (or at least not publicly)!
And especially since young folks are waiting so long to marry, abstinence is extremely difficult to maintain without spiritual fortitude (and that's not foolproof).
As Christian moms what do we say when our son or daughter lays down the gauntlet & proclaims that "'sweetie' & I are moving in together"?
What is a wise, God-inspired, response?
I have survived one of my kid's "wild hair" times. It was not pretty. I pleaded with God for wisdom for ----- & for me! More was involved than just living together, so it was tough! Did I say it was TOUGH?!!! UGH!
Wedding plans were made even as I silently pleaded with God to bring it to a screeching halt! I asked every friend I knew to pray for the situation, and miraculously, in time, the relationship fell apart, thank God!!
I don't have the answers.
As an older mom, I should have some sort of wisdom to impart.
But this one is where mom gets to talk to God a lot, and in between listens for His advice--she tries to be quiet enough so she can hear what He says.....
Remember, God loves our children more than we do.
My few suggestions:
Enlist prayer warriors, and fall on God's mercy---then pray for purity of heart for everyone.
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