


Friday, May 21, 2010

A Tough Thing To Hear; The 'D' Word.

This week, Tuesday, I stopped by my doctor's office to have a TB test. While there I asked for a few minutes with my doctor to discuss recent lab blood work results.
The office called last Friday notifying me that my lab tests indicated signs of renal failure; the 'D' word was mentioned...
Dr. Jordon made time for me immediately and gave me her undivided attention.
The verdict?
The 'D' word has been dogging me for years. The thought of it drove me to Weight Watcher's a few years ago. After losing 25 lbs. I simply became lazy and fell into cahoots with old gluttony once again:(
The kidneys are hit hard with high blood pressure, carrying too much weight,  loving sweets in excess.
My walking, which my doctor loves (and I enjoy!), simply cannot overcome all that. Walking is a diabetics best friend, but losing weight is equally important.
So, what will I do with this diagnosis?

I need to change.
I have a sugar addiction.
God, this is hard. Help me with self control.

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