


Monday, September 20, 2010

Confession Of a Selfish Heart

I wrote this last summer. I confess it's a hard one to share:

I read Todd W.'s blog today. He is our youth pastor, someone I really admire. It spurred me on to write about something I learned recently about "Who Am I?"
A few weeks ago a deacon from our church extended an invitation to a grieving family to have Peace host a funeral for their son who had died suddenly in a tragic accident. They didn't have a church family & must have wanted a church service. A kind offer, one I whole-heartedly agreed with, & was even pleased we could help in any way possible.

But---that meant Comfort & Care would be involved. My friend L. & I coordinate C&C. L. was going out of town for her first weekend away all summer, which left me to make sure things were put into motion.
It was a holiday weekend. I had finagled a day off & thought of all the things I wanted to do with "my" time--especially a bike ride with family:).
A fellow C&C friend offered to organize the Reception meal; a wonderful gesture, a God send! Lord, I vote she gets stars in her crown for this one:)

But, my heart was definitely divided, &, all the while, I hated feeling that way. But that dark heart made me count the hours I'd be involved.
Here was a family suffering through the WORST thing a parent can face--the death of a child/a young man & I'm hoping to get home by noon:(

Enfolding this family in such a way (by our pastor leading the funeral service & C&C preparing a light reception) was such a comfort to them.
Friends brought in enough food to feed an army (& that was added to the food D. had gathered & bought), even enough Caribou Coffee for an army! So amazing, such love for this young man who lost his life so suddenly.

As I served tea & soft drinks, the family & friends of K. blessed me time after time with testimonies of their son, brother, cousin, friend, co-worker. I wish I had known K. I cried for him & all those who will forever miss him.

We didn't get home till mid afternoon. Our bike ride didn't happen. Hubby & I were bushed. Emotionally exhausted:(

So, you ask, "who am I"?
I am a miserable sinner the Lord uses in spite of myself, in spite of my selfishness. He wouldn't let me get away with being self-absorbed this time.
That is a redeeming thought--to realize God can minister through us no matter what we're focused on, no matter if we're selfish to the core, no matter how reluctant we serve.

I wish I had gone into K.'s Reception with a tender heart, full of love for this aching family.
I mean, that's what counts in life, what we do with each day for those around us, not what each day holds for me, me, me!
Thank God for His redeeming power.

And J. & H., I am so glad you wanted a church funeral for your son, & that you allowed Peace to be part of God's comfort to you.
We are all the better for it.
God is our Comforter, Hallelujah!
And our Redeemer.

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