


Sunday, February 04, 2007

In Memory

My Skybird died during the night.
He seemed fine yesterday.
Many will be happy, including my husband and children. In their defense they haven't shouted with joy in front of me so far.

He was a big presence in our house, a handsome cockatiel with a beautiful yellow head and orange cheeks, and a sleek gray body with white-tipped wings. My friend Vicki gave him to me 3 years ago. It took him almost a year to trust me, and eventually he even let me stroke his head and would perch on my shower door where, two or three times, he allowed me to put him in the shower water. He didn't like it at all:(

But his primary job (and annoyance): he screeched, welcoming me home, beginning when he heard my car until he saw me! At the same time, he would screech at the rest of my family when they came within sight (I believe) because they were taking my attention away from him. He never made friends with Keith or Skye; he was just feisty!
He was totally devoted to me and only me.

I brought home my niece's cockatiel, Alfie, last summer and I think they were company for one another. Alfie's an upbeat bird, likes to sing, and can imitate almost any songbird on the bird clock nearby. Skybird would only sing if you worked at coaxing him. Skyegirl was good at getting him to sing now and then:)

On this windy, chilly February afternoon Keith and I buried him in the back yard, within sight out the kitchen bay window. A gray rock marks his grave.

Vicki and I think he was about 8 years old; she had hand-raised him from a baby.
Skybird will be long remembered, a testimony to how loyal and devoted a pretty bird can be.
May he rest in peace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I won't say I respected or enjoyed Skybird. But I do know what it's like to have a pet other people don't appreciate or enjoy that then dies. At least you enjoyed his life and his company. That's what's important.

My manager at the time Sid died never did honestly believe I left work to bury my pet rabbit.