


Friday, February 23, 2007

A puppy day!

I'm working yesterday and got a call from Skye. She was really upset. She came home from class and found our "precious speckled puppy", Wyatt, had chewed up my Ipod & headphones and two sheets of stamps; guess he's not a music fan or a snail-mail fan:(!!
But my Ipod:(!!!
Good grief and googa-mooga!
A day in the life of a puppy left to entertain himself for a few hours!!
Go ahead and laugh. It'll be a funny story to me.......later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had a similar problem with the dog Mary and Cara brought us some years ago. So we put him in a cage when we had to be away and he improved and for the most part stop chewing things up. Keep things out of the reach of the dog.