


Tuesday, March 24, 2009


One of my favorite TV shows is Medium, starring Patricia Arquette.

"From Emmy Award-winning executive producer, creator and director Glenn Gordon Caron ("Moonlighting") comes "Medium," a popular, chilling drama series inspired by the real-life story of research medium Allison DuBois. Emmy winner Patricia Arquette an extraordinary young wife and mother who, since childhood, has struggled to make sense of her dreams and visions of dead people."

Why do I like this show?
I enjoy Patricia Arquette & Jake Weber for one:)

But I admit I was drawn to the storyline that someone could possess the ability to dream someone's murder in order to prevent it or to redeem it in some way.
It's the notion that we know so little about the spiritual world. Most of us are completely clueless to the invisible world swirling around us. As a Christian I believe in the spiritual realm. I believe there are angels watching over us. I believe good & evil spirits are engaged in warfare every day, every hour, every minute.

(BTW, there is a real Allison DuBois. If you Google her bio, let me say I do not advocate her beliefs)

But, I think Medium is done well, & it can make one ponder God's Creation...especially the great mysterious unseen realm-

"For now we see through a
glass, darkly; but then face to face: now
I know in part; but then shall I know even
as also I am known." 1 Cor.13:11

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