


Monday, June 22, 2009

Reality For A Family I've Grown To Love To Visit

I just finished watching Jon And Kate Plus Eight.
Rumors were rampant Jon and Kate were separating. I secretly hoped it wasn't true. Skye and Alexis suggested wouldn't it be great if they announced they were having another baby--imagine how uplifting that would have been, or kooky in a joyful kind of way! What a story that would have been:)

As the show unfolded it became evident they were splitting up, calling it quits. A beautiful family countless folks have watched and adored, broken.
I was hoping to hear "We're seeing a counselor, talking to our pastor, praying, working through it"---but, none of that was mentioned:(

Is there hope?
I didn't sense any....
Jon separate, Kate separate, both trying to be brave in the midst of deep hurt and sorrow.
Is it just "another family bites the dust"?
It's discouraging.....
I am sad for all ten of them, especially the dear Eight.
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