


Tuesday, February 09, 2010

A Warm Gift

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On this chilly, rainy, day, I met one of my best friends, Kathy, & her daughter, Robin, for a late lunch.

Robin set it up.
She wanted to give me a Christmas gift.
Robin works in the Triangle, Kathy lives in Holly Springs, so we needed to find a place that was convenient for the 3 of us.
We decided on The Loop near 55 & High House Road.
It was cozy, the food was 'delish', & the company was sweet.

What was the gift?
The picture gives it away:)
She gave me an afghan she crocheted, with a precious note---how cool is that, er, how warm is that?!!!

What a thoughtful gift, to spend the time to create a work of art that will be such a comfort, for years!!

I am touched Robin, by your kindness:)
Bless your heart, dear one:)

1 comment:

Kelley said...

So pretty. I love the colors!