


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Day The Earth Shook

Thought I better journal about the earthquake yesterday for posterity. I mean it hasn't happened on the East Coast in 67 years!

Tuesdays I'm usually off work & yesterday was no exception. I had decided to begin stripping the wallpaper in my master bath--I'd been thinking about doing it for a few years, but kept putting it off. Then recently we realized we have a leak in our shower & must replace our tiles. So since our tile man, Jeff, may start work this weekend (& I had two days off in a row--a rarity), I knew the time was right to DO it.

Tuesdays I also usually meet my lunch buddies to eat together & catch up on news, so I called Lorraine to check on our time & place. Nancy's away this week in NY settling her mom's estate. Jeannette can't always come, but she was free yesterday & told Lorraine she wanted to go to Crabtree Valley Mall for a change (we usually meet at Cary Mall). Lorraine wanted to go to Crabtree also, but I hesitated. I wanted to start my project. In the end I decided to drive over to meet them for lunch only, while they would walk beforehand & shop a little.

I began on the bathroom & worked for a couple of hours. The wallpaper wasn't budging--what painful slow going!! Finally got to a stopping point, cleaned up the strips of paper, got my shower, & headed to Crabtree about 12:30.
We were meeting at Panera, one of our favorite restaurants, whether at Crossroads or Beaver Creek or Crabtree.
After ordering, finding a table, lo & behold, Seth & Kelley walked in! Ironic, especially since they showed up at Panera at Crossroads the last time my friends & I met there:)! Too funny:)

After S&K ate & left to return to work, we were still talking when I suddenly realized the table & chairs were shaking!! I commented that we were NOT on the top floor (where oftentimes a crowd of people walking can cause vibrations), so why were we feeling the bottom floor moving??? It seemed to last at least 30 seconds or more.
They felt it too. It was a puzzle.
But, we didn't think much more about it after it stopped, & no one around us did either.
Later, while looking around in JJill, a sales associate asked if anyone in the store had felt an earthquake. I raised my hand & said I HAD! Her friend had just called, telling her there had been an earthquake!
Amazing! And hard to take in.

I called Keith as soon as I got to the Cruiser. Was there really an earthquake? He said yes! Attempted to call Seth but couldn't get him on his iPhone--too many folks making calls. Wondered if he & Kelley had felt it too...(later Seth said they didn't; he felt cheated)

After getting home the TV station news was on live reporting about the 5.8 earthquake. The epicenter was located in northern Va.!
What a day!! Thankfully only damage to some buildings, including the National Cathedral in DC & the Washington Monument.

Hard to believe the vibrations were felt so far, from S.C. to Mass.!!
And shook my table in Raleigh!
Makes me think about taking my "earthly home" for granted.

Sunday, August 07, 2011


Today, Sunday, August 7th, the Stewart Reunion was held at Cypress Church, address Cameron, NC, situated at a crossroads of country roads in the Sandhills, surrounded by scrub oaks & skinny pines.
All my Mama's people settled there.
Any of you reading this not familiar with this area, Woodlake Golf Course & Subdivision is smack in the middle of where the Stewarts & Blues bought farmland after emigrating from their beloved Scotland generations ago.

My mama talked about Scotland like she had seen it. She talked of Flora McDonald & Bonnie Prince Charlie like she'd met them.
Has oral tradition ended with her generation?

Often at a reunion, you get bits & pieces of history, & dreams.

Aunt May whispered to me: "I think John Pat might have become a minister:)"
(John Pat, my closest cousin, drowned at Linville Falls in the early '70's while celebrating the end of his junior year at NCSU)

Aunt Herminia reminisced, "We used to enjoy visiting you & going shopping in Raleigh:)"

Another comment: "You look more like your mother every year":)
And, "You have diabetes too?"
"Which sister are you?"
I commented a few times, "Who are they??"

Reunions connect families if you're willing to sit & listen.
Too often we say "Hey, good to see you!", eat, & dash off to our next stop.
Slowing down a little may allow us to hear of dreams & stories we've never heard before.

Monday, August 01, 2011

A Summer Of Testing

The last few weeks have been strange. My health may be in jeopardy & it's worrisome. I'm not losing sleep but it consumes my thoughts when I'm not busy.

About a year ago I mentioned to my doctor I had a cough that just wouldn't so away. She decided to send me to a radiologist for a chest CAT scan. I'd been coughing for months & couldn't shake it. Figured it was sinus related. Dr. Jordon put me on Prilosec & Zertec (which have helped quite a bit)---& to make absolutely sure she was covering all the bases, she referred me to an Endocopist (Dr. Ready), in addition to ordering the CAT.
Two weeks ago I underwent an endoscopy, where I fell in love with Demerol:) A simple test, pain free with wonderful sleep:) Dr. Ready thought everything looked good.
I could have slept on for days:)

By this April I'd had 2 or 3 CAT's , so last week I had one more. The area, the tiny "spot" they had been watching in the lower half of my right lung, all of a sudden showed up active. A whole .8 mm larger than months before:( The radiologist was alarmed enough to recommend to Dr. Jordon I have a Thoracic surgeon consultation. The test was at 10am, Dr. Jordon was giving me the news by 6pm the same night, & she called personally to relay the results. She said she thought I might be jumping through hoops & going in circles & nothing might come of it, but she urged me to check things out.

The next day Duke Thoracic Surgery, located on Old Wake Forest Road, called, per Dr. Jordon's request, to set up at appt.
By 9am last Thursday I was in Dr. Chang's office discussing options. He suggested a PET scan, a biopsy, or removal of the mass. We both agreed on the PET scan option as a first step. I'm scheduled to have it this Thursday, August 4th. Hopefully the results will make further decisions easier.

From all I've read a PET scan involves an hour of "waiting" beforehand, an hour of scanning, then an hour of "waiting" afterward--I'm not a good "waiter":(

It's a comfort that my doctor is on top of things.
It's a comfort so many people are concerned & are praying.
The effective, fervent prayers of righteous women avails much.
(paraphrased from James 5:16)

I'm scheduled to talk with Dr. Chang Monday morning, August 8th.
To be continued.....