


Friday, April 20, 2012

Ponderings On Recovery

Had my third post op (lung lobectomy) appointment a week ago:)It was a three hour 'adventure', but knew going in it'd be a waiting game--took the newspaper & my trusty Kindle Fire. Thursdays are VERY BUSY in Dr. Chang's realm, and the receptionists remind me of this every time I schedule a Thursday appointment. Still it's my best day, since I work Mondays & Mondays are Dr. Chang's only other day to see patients. Dr. Chang's PA informed me I'm doing well, my chest x-ray looked great. But I've been worried about not getting right back into my walking regime. She assured me it could take six months to return to my previous energy level, even with laparocopic surgery. Whew. Made me feel much better!! So the pressure's off to walk three miles four or five days a week for now, especially when I work an eight hour day. I'm working toward that, gradually. It seems I need more sleep lately (allergies may easily be a culprit here). But I've always loved naps, so this may not be too different:) I'm often waking up early, 4:30 or 5am--ugh!? Do these two statements mean one precipitates the other? Keith's doing well, especially with his weight loss:)!! Five stars for him for losing almost 40 pounds! That alone makes anyone feel better:) I didn't have that side-affect, I'm afraid:( Now for our biking regime to kick in:)

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