


Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Taste of Heaven

Just back from a special Funeral Visitation this afternoon.
A gentle Godly man has gone Home, a husband, father, father in law, a forester, College Class Sunday School teacher, a mentor, a friend. Keith & I were honored to know Joe (& his precious family) for 15 plus years. We were in a Sunday School class together, the New Life Class, at a UMC in Raleigh. Since that time, the Lord has scattered us across the area into different churches & denominations.

Recently I wrote about our reunion in the mountains---many of us were there but not all.

Today even more precious ones from the past waited in line to express to Joe's family how much they loved him & how much they love them---Sandy, Troy, Kyle, & Gabrielle.
Cameron went with us, & loved seeing so many people he hasn't seen in years. (Joe's wife Sandy was his pre-school teacher:))

It was glorious, even in the midst of saying goodbye to Joe, to see so many beloved faces.
I believe he would have loved it!

We'll always be part of one another--a family.
We were knit together by the Holy Spirit.
And today was a taste of Heaven:)

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