


Thursday, October 12, 2006

Donating Blood

Late this afternoon Skye and I met at the Cary Red Cross Center at Regency to donate blood.

Beth Barfield had arrived earlier and was ahead of us in line. Beth tends to be a slow donor so she gets to the Center before the rest of us:) Beth, Kathy Worrell, and I have given blood together on a regular basis for a few years now:) Kathy is taking a Broker's class this week and couldn't join us; she was disappointed.

I've been encouraging Skye to come along and try it. She said she'd think about it. And earlier this summer she donated with a few of her friends during the Raleigh Moravian Church blood drive. How neat:)

Giving blood is easy for me. I've donated most of my adult life, even donating platlets for a few years. Do you know only 20% of the population gives blood? I had hoped someday the boys or Skye might join me in helping with this worthy cause.

Today Skye and I donated together:) The nurse says she has good veins:)

Giving is a blessing:) Giving with friends is a wonderful blessing:) Giving with your daugther is a special blessing:)

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