Tomorrow Keith and I plan to go to the NC State Fair.
I love it!
Usually the weather is cooler, but not this record setting dry warm year--ugh:( Still, I'm ready for some light and breezy, carefree, time seeing the sights at the Raleigh Fairgrounds.
It's a festive place, noisy with people, laughter, rides, games, more people, and eating.
I especially enjoy the animals and my favorite exhibit is the Poultry building. Lots of crowing and prancing about. Truly a strutting kind of atmosphere:) The turkeys are so homely I feel sorry for them, but there are some handsome roosters trying to impress by a "cock a doodle do", and many pretty hens preening.
Another exhibit I love is the circular Village of Yesteryear, where various artisans display and sell their wares, often working at their craft as people pass by. All are inspiring to me.
My third favorite place is the Kerr Scott building where artwork is shown, from elementary school to professionals.....amazingly all situated in the same area. Whoa, what a variety of photos and paintings! A "feast for the eyes", as well as "fodder for critiquing"---I just have to voice my opinions:)
I will update you on how it goes...
I'm yearning for a 'footloose' kind of day, a happy kind of atmosphere, soaking in the festivities, here in mid October.
(FYI did you know that cotton candy is only 3 Weight Watcher points--not bad!)
Afraid the dust may be plentiful, but not enough to dampen the Fair crowd spirit!
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