


Saturday, October 04, 2008


After a trying week of sleepless nights, awful shoulder pain & doctors' visits, subbing at Hallmark for my manager--working hard!, & leading Bible study Wed. night, I was ready for a calm, soothing, Friday night!

I wasn't disappointed:)
After work my friend Kathy met Keith & me and we traveled to North Raleigh to a house concert performed by a girls' duo, Alathea. I had read about them on Steve West's blog & had listened to them on iTunes, enjoying their style enough to buy a couple of songs for my iPod. I liked their folksy, mountain-style music.

Well....they were very good!
Mandy is the song writer & lead singer, and she's a hoot! Her story telling tales were hilarious, & her songs were beautiful. Christy, the other half, can play numerous instruments, including harmonica, & mandolin, and added harmony to each rendition. Her drums were cans, water bottles, & paint buckets!

A blessed evening of sweet sounds.
Alathea's music soothed my soul:)

Check them out at:

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