


Friday, March 30, 2007

Working 9-5

Well, I've finished my first week of full time work (Public Work) and I'm still standing:) I'm helping out my manager until she finds a full-time assistant.

I must say, it does give me a good idea of what the majority of women today tackle every week--whoa!! Needless to say I've done the minimum of anything at home, especially cooking!!

I am learning new computer skills: spreadsheets, financial reports, checking in merchandise, etc. I was positive I couldn't learn anything to do with numbers (& it is slow-going for me, the one who cares only for details in decorating or painting--oh my!), but my manager is the most "patient" person I know of! She is an encourager & keeps repeating instructions gently over and over, so I've been keeping 'at it':) She says mistakes are good:) I'm not sure they always are:(
But, she wants to escape from the store every now and then, so she's hoping I can get a grip on this stuff at some point:)

God does take us to the most unlikely places sometimes!

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